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Some countries have already the well-known but little-known boutique brand domestically through direct or proxy is a variety of ways to enter China. The most successful example is the Italian brand Marni. Founded in 1994, compared to other boutique Marni(handbags) has been considered for the young, but a surprise for the people acceptable. In 2006, Marni (handbags) store opened in Shanghai, Hang Lung Plaza, designer and founder Consuelo Castiglioni brings their mouth to congratulate him. Less than three years, the brand has been launched in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, opened six stores, including Beijing, with as many as three. In Italy his home, Marni(handbags) is also in Milan and Rome, but only three stores. In 2009, Marni's Chinese agent has boldly Balenciaga into China. Gucci Group, affiliated with the Balenciaga brands, like Stella McCartney is already back in 2007 by the IT into China. Comme Des Garcons, which will also be sought after in this popular youth brand to China. Even in the brand's products have been present is filled with the trend, while brand positioning advantages of unstable economic situation of young people under the auspices of such a double challenge in no way undermine the implementation of this plan


Marni handbags, replica marni handbags

With Hollywood biggies like Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Courtney Cox Arquette, Ashley Judd, Monica Bellucci and Kirsten Dunst making their love for the designs open the brand Marni was set to soar and so it has. Today the Marni designs are sold worldwide and the sales proceeds exceed $ 100 million. The Marni handbags replicas have also created waves amongst the trendy circles with the exactness of original copied faithfully. The Marni replica handbags, wallets, purses, clutches became extremely popular with the ladies as Marni rose to prominence as the women started to turn away from the flashy and overtly sexy designs. The flavor of the season was the Marni designs with emphasizing colors, shape as well as prints.


Marni handbags, replica marni handbags

"Marni" which can set the heart racing. What's innovative use of materials with their own special brand exquisite feminine designs created for the designer brand, storms.Marni by Castiglioni in 1994 by his family, who in the fashion universe, only one niche I wanted to stab established fashion circles has desigeners the large manufacturers for the fur, but the TS and its own brand label : Marni.The all these Marnicollections fashion landscape.Marni 'unique creative inspiration that makes a market for labor holistic colections leading fashion brand to consolidate its position as there are more of a destination for innovative Italian design.Marni(handbags) intended for collecting and refining customers, prepared for this highest recognition items quality.The is very popular even for familiar Replication Marni bag has been the recipient gleefulu has been buried by the crowd. We are meticulous workmanship, as completely unique, detailed follow-up or absorbed material.In online shopping, we Marni Replica Handbags, Replica Handbags Marni, the surprise you get over here gives you superb quality.