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Sometimes it’s a bit tough to make your work wear go…there. There meaning the world of high fashion and looking as if you stepped out of a magazine as you step out of your 200 square foot cramped apartment. If you don’t work in a creative industry that allows you to express yourself, the world of brown suits and stacked heel pumps can become a bit tedious.
Which is why I’m loving the Marni Balloon Tote, which retails for $1,317. At first glance, the purse is a little shocking and perhaps too futuristic for some, with it’s leather body and balloon-shape bottom. But when you pair it with a look that’s a little more reserved, the result is a great shot of energy into an office full of clones. The ruching at the bottom of the bag allows you to play up a more feminine side, and its generous size will easily fit legal pads, and most laptops. It also has the option of being a tote or a shoulder bag, leaving you to decide what works best for your lifestyle. Marni’s designs can be a little kooky for the most part, but they’ve struck gold with this great oversized tote that will amp up any office look with little effort.
check out the bag for $199.00 at
tag: replica marni handbags